Get Involved: Contact Congress — Sugarcane Ethanol, the Sweeter Alternative

Get Involved: Contact Congress — Sugarcane Ethanol, the Sweeter Alternative.

Information included in the link above to contact your members of Congress!!!!

Leading environmental officials at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and in California agree: ethanol made from sugarcane is an ideal renewable fuel that can help reduce greenhouse gases while diversifying America’s energy resources. EPA has designated sugarcane ethanol as an Advanced Renewable Fuel – an important category of superior biofuels that, along with cellulosic biofuels and others, will make up 21 billion gallons of America’s fuel supply by 2022. This is equal to about 15% of today’s gasoline market. In California, the state’s air regulators have classified sugarcane ethanol as a “low-carbon” fuel that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the state’s transportation sector.

What is it about sugarcane ethanol that makes the fuel so environmentally friendly?

  • Renewable – Sugarcane ethanol, unlike coal or oil, is produced from sugarcane plants that grow back year after year.
  • Sustainable – Since sugarcane only needs to be replanted every five to seven years – as a semi-perennial crop it can be harvested without uprooting the plant, its cultivation has less impact on the soil and surrounding environment. Learn more about sustainable sugarcane agriculture in Brazil.
  • Energy-Intensive – Sugarcane is highly efficient in converting sunlight, water and CO2 into stored energy.  Sugarcane produces seven times more energy compared to corn when used in ethanol production.
  • Lower Carbon Emissions – Compared to gasoline, sugarcane ethanol cuts greenhouse gases by more than 60%. That’s better than any other liquid biofuel produced today in large quantities.

In addition to these significant environmental benefits, sugarcane ethanol also is more affordable compared to other alternatives. That’s why many observers point to sugarcane ethanol as a good option for diversifying U.S. energy supplies, increasing healthy competition among biofuel manufacturers and improving America’s energy security.



Most of the information gathered for this article came from

Some of the 2010 changes include:

Balancing Calories
  • Enjoy your food but eat less
  • Avoid oversized proportions
Foods To Increase
  • Make half your plates fruits and vegetables
  • Make at least half your grains whole grains
  • Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk
Foods To Reduce
  • Compare sodium levels in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals
  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks

Food Groups


Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits are examples of grain products.

Whole Grains –

Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel the bran, germ, and endosperm.

Refined Grains –

Refined grains have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ. This is done to give grains a finer texture and improve their shelf life, but it also removes dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins.  Most refined grains are enriched. This means certain B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid) and iron are added back after processing. Fiber is not added back to enriched grains. Check the ingredient list on refined grain products to make sure that the word “enriched” is included in the grain name. Some food products are made from mixtures of whole grains and refined grains.


Don’t be fooled by the”wheat” breads that do not say 100% whole grains somewhere on the package.  Caramel coloring is added to the bread to give it the wheat coloring.  They are technically allowed to call it “wheat bread” because…even white bread is wheat.


Any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice counts as a member of the Vegetable Group. Vegetables may be raw or cooked; fresh, frozen, canned, or dried/dehydrated; and may be whole, cut-up, or mashed.

Dark Green Vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables provide many essential vitamins and minerals your body needs, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium.  In addition, they are also a wonderful way to get the fiber your body needs. The darker the leaves, the more nutrients the vegetable usually has.

bok choy
collard greens
dark green leafy lettuce
mustard greens
romaine lettuce
turnip greens

Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables are healthy, but they are higher in carbohydrate than other vegetables and they have more calories.

fresh cowpeas, field peas, or black-eyed peas (not dry)
green bananas
green peas
green lima beans
water chestnuts

Red and Orange Vegetables

Red– Contains nutrients like lycopene, ellagic acid, Quercetin, and Hesperidin.  These nutrients reduce the risk of prostate cancer, lower blood pressure, reduce tumor growth and LDL cholesterol levels, scavenge harmful free-radicals, and support join tissue in arthritis cases.

Orange (and Yellow)– Contain beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, flavonoids, lycopene, potassium, and vitamin C. These nutrients reduce age-related macula degeneration and the risk of prostate cancer, lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure, promote collagen formation and healthy joints, fight harmful free radicals, encourage alkaline balance, and work with magnesium and calcium to build healthy bones.

acorn squash
butternut squash
hubbard squash
red peppers
sweet potatoes
tomato juice

Beans and Peas

Legumes which are high in protein value, although their proteins are not regarded as having sufficient amounts of the amino acids required by the human body, and should, therefore, not be used as the sole source of protein foods. They are of high caloric value and they make some contributions to the mineral and vitamin content of the dietary. Peas are relatively high in vitamin A content, which is associated with many physiological functions, notably growth and dark adaptation. Both beans and peas, particularly soy beans, are good sources of vitamin B1, which is the anti-neuritic vitamin enjoying such wide attention at the present time.

black beans
black-eyed peas (mature, dry)
garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
kidney beans
navy beans
pinto beans
soy beans
split peas
white beans

Other Vegetables

Here is a link for the nutritional value of specific vegetables.


Here is a link for the nutritonal value of specific fruits.


All fluid milk products and many foods made from milk are considered part of this food group. Most Dairy Group choices should be fat-free or low-fat. Foods made from milk that retain their calcium content are part of the group. Foods made from milk that have little to no calcium, such as cream cheese, cream, and butter, are not. Calcium-fortified soymilk (soy beverage) is also part of the Dairy Group.

*Selection Tips

Choose fat-free or low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese. If you choose milk or yogurt that is not fat-free, or cheese that is not low-fat, the fat in the product counts against your maximum limit for “empty calories” (calories from solid fats and added sugars).
If sweetened milk products are chosen (flavored milk, yogurt, drinkable yogurt, desserts), the added sugars also count against your maximum limit for “empty calories” (calories from solid fats and added sugars).
For those who are lactose intolerant, smaller portions (such as 4 fluid ounces of milk) may be well tolerated. Lactose-free and lower-lactose products are available. These include lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk, yogurt, and cheese, and calcium-fortified soymilk (soy beverage). Also, enzyme preparations can be added to milk to lower the lactose content. Calcium-fortified foods and beverages such as cereals, orange juice, rice milk, or almond milk may provide calcium, but may not provide the other nutrients found in dairy products.

Protein Foods

All foods made from meat, poultry, seafood, beans and peas, eggs, processed soy products, nuts, and seeds are considered part of the Protein Foods Group. Beans and peas are also part of the Vegetable Group.  Select a variety of protein foods to improve nutrient intake and health benefits, including at least 8 ounces of cooked seafood per week. Young children need less, depending on their age and calories needs. The advice to consume seafood does not apply to vegetarians. Vegetarian options in the Protein Foods Group include beans and peas, processed soy products, and nuts and seeds. Meat and poultry choices should be lean or low-fat.

*Selection Tips

Choose lean or low-fat meat and poultry. If higher fat choices are made, such as regular ground beef (75 to 80% lean) or chicken with skin, the fat counts against your maximum limit for empty calories (calories from solid fats or added sugars). divider
If solid fat is added in cooking, such as frying chicken in shortening or frying eggs in butter or stick margarine, this also counts against your maximum limit for empty calories (calories from solid fats and added sugars). divider
Select some seafood that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, trout, sardines, anchovies, herring, Pacific oysters, and Atlantic and Pacific mackerel.divider
Processed meats such as ham, sausage, frankfurters, and luncheon or deli meats have added sodium. Check the Nutrition Facts label to help limit sodium intake. Fresh chicken, turkey, and pork that have been enhanced with a salt-containing solution also have added sodium. Check the product label for statements such as “self-basting” or “contains up to __% of __”, which mean that a sodium-containing solution has been added to the product. divider
Choose unsalted nuts and seeds to keep sodium intake low.


Malicious, Spammy, Scamming, Likejacking or Just Downright Annoying Apps on Facebook

So…I’m sick of warning everyone individually about all the shitty, spammy, and annoying apps that are out there in Facebook World.  So I am going to start this guide.

If there is a Web of Trust warning there will be a photo of the Web of Trust Scorecard and a link to read the comments people left about why they gave it such a bad warning.

What is Web of Trust you ask??

Web of Trust is the leading website reputation rating tool and one of Mozilla’s most popular add-ons. Our safe surfing tool uses an intuitive traffic-light style rating system to help you see which websites are trusted when you search, surf and shop online.

WOT ratings are powered by a global community of millions of trustworthy users who have rated millions of websites based on their experiences. The WOT add-on provides reputation ratings to search results when you use Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, Bing, Wikipedia and other popular sites, helping you protect your computer and personal information. Your online email account – Google Mail, Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail is also protected.

Here is the link to add it on to your Mozilla Firefox Browser:

If it has not been rated yet, or they have been tricky and are hiding under the general “facebook apps” links, I will just put a picture and a description as to the issue.

Friend Buzz is the general name that this app lies under.  What it looks like on your wall is this:

Here is another app from Friend Buzz with bad ratings:

The ratings for this are the worst in every category.  Here is the link to WOT:

So in general, just don’t add anything having to do with Friend Buzz.

Fun in Your Name – (Created Via-> Http://


About the Developer:  Senang Solutions specialized in Internet Social Networking Applications.

Developer Name:

It is difficult to find a rating on Web of Trust.  Here is some info I found at this website:

“Do not install the following Facebook App: Fun in Your Name! by – Senang Solutions specialized in Internet Social Networking Applications.

This App is what you call Likejacking, a form of clickjacking, is a malicious technique of tricking users of a website into posting a Facebook status update for a site they did not intentionally mean to “like”.

Stay away from these kind of “like” comments or Apps, because the people behind it earns loads of money on you being stupid. In worst case you will end of with a Malware infected PC.”

More info about clickjacking:

Warning about Likejacking:

How to avoid Likejacking:

Friend Rank or 20 Top Friends

Also developed Top Loves and probably some others

Here are some photos of what they look like on your wall and requesting permission.  NOTE HOW MUCH INFO THEY WANT FOR SUCH AN INSIGNIFICANT APP!!!

Here is the Web of Trust Ranking for this developer in general:

Link to the rating:

Here is a link to this developer’s fucked up Privacy Policy:

Info on Stalker Apps –

These are the apps in which you are promised to be shown who looks at your profile the most. First of all, if you have clicked on these you are so gullible your mama should have just shoved you back in rather than expose the world to your stupidity. Here is a link for info about these:

Beware the following messages and/or wall postings from Facebook friends:

Example #1:

I’ve just seen who checks me out the most here on Facebook! You can see who stalks you too!

Example #2:

I just saw who STALKS me here on Facebook. You can see who creeps around your profile too!

Example #3:

I just saw who CREEPS around my pics the most here on Facebook. You can see who stalks you too!

These are all variants of the same scam. If you click on the link, you’re taken to a page that requests your permission to access private information. If you allow it to do so, the message immediately reposts itself on all your friends’ walls and you’re prompted to fill out a phony questionnaire.

What it won’t do is show you your Facebook “stalkers” or reveal the names of people who’ve visited your Facebook page or viewed your photos. The whole thing is a ruse to trick more people to installing the useless app and clicking through to survey pages.

Then there is the “Slap Myself in the Face for Being So Fucking Stupid” Link that people just have to see:

Girl Killed Herself After Father Posted On Her Wall

I will add more as I find them!! Feel free to pass this note around and tag your idiotic friends who need to see this cause they swear up and down the app is fine. Also, private message me any that YOU find that I have missed.

Update: Although this one is not new I just saw it on a friend’s page.

The Dislike Button

Here is a link with some information about this one: